
Monday, November 22, 2004

I know its for the good of the League but I really miss watching hockey every other night. I miss allowed fighting, fast European skaters, enforcers, goalies standing on their heads and sharpshooters scoring amazing goals. The incident in the NBA the other night made me miss hockey more. It reminded me so much of Terry O'Reilly. I also miss athletes who don't ask for 2 months off to promote their new albums.

What I'd like to see come from this incident is two things. I want there to be a precedent set that fans and players will be treated as equals in the eyes of the law. I disagree with courts getting involved in sporting incidents but this was not a sporting incident. All parties should have been arrested on the spot, brought to a police station and interrogated as if they weren't millionaire athletes or season ticket holders. All parties were wrong to bring violence into the scenario. However, provoked assault is still assault.

I'd also like to see a precedent established that fans are not safe. It seems like the past few years, fans feel like they are able to talk trash to athletes on the field and they feel safe about it because they are protected. Just look at that heckler in Oakland that got a chair thrown at him. Fans need to realise that they aren't safe from athletes, and they are not exempt from misbehavior simply because they bought a ticket.

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